Life is filled with opportunities to make a difference, influence others for good, leave a legacy, and leave the world a better place. To increase the joy and happiness in your life and lead a more meaningful, purposeful life, do more meaningful things with your life. Joy comes when you make peace with who you are and what you are doing.

Instead of focusing your energy and attention on what you don’t like about your life, focus on the people whose lives are made better by your actions, and how what you do benefits them. To make someone feel good, to lift a spirit, or to cause a smile on another is no small matter. The world needs more encouragers, joy spreaders or Joy Soldiers. Your actions then, may become the vehicle through which you have opportunities to lift spirits and spread joy. And that is a meaningful thing to spend your time doing. Join us and become a Joy Soldier by creating your action plan for a more meaningful, purposeful life, below.

Wish: Think about the next four weeks. What is the one dearest wish you would like to fulfill? Pick a wish that feels challenging to you but that you can reasonably fulfill within the next four weeks. Note your Wish in 3-6 words.

Outcome: What would be the best outcome by fulfilling your wish? How would fulfilling your wish make you feel? Note your best Outcome in 3-6 words.

Now take a moment and imagine this best outcome. Imagine it as fully as you can. Write your thoughts down.

Obstacle: What is it within you that holds you back from fulfilling your wish? What in you might stop you? It might be an emotion, an irrational belief, or a bad habit. Think more deeply – what is it really? Identify your main inner obstacle.
Note your main inner Obstacle in 3-6 words.

Now take a moment and imagine your main inner obstacle. Imagine it as fully as you can. Write your thoughts down.

Plan: What can you do to overcome your obstacle? Identify one effective action you can take or one effective thought you can think to overcome your obstacle. Note your action or thought in 3-6 words.

Make the following Plan:
If (obstacle you named), then I will (action or thought you named).
Fill in the blanks below:
If_________, then I will _____________
(your obstacle) (your action or thought to overcome obstacle)
Slowly repeat and imagine this if-then plan one more time.

For further information refer to or the book “Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation” that has been published by Penguin Random House, in October 2014 (paperback in November 2015).

If you are interested in purchasing a Joy Soldier t-shirt from click here.

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