Recently, I have given a lot of thought to what kind of person I want to be. I clearly see two paths. One with my elbows out keeping watch over what is mine. The other with my hands out sharing what is mine to share. Watching the news, it would be understandable to be suspicious of others. According to the news, the world is in dire shape. We are a divided nation, storms are getting stronger, there are relentless shootings, acts of terror and other terrible things. While these cannot be denied, at the same time we get to choose every day where to put our focus and energy.
When we are suspicious and fearful, we hold tighter to what we have, thinking there may not be enough to share. We become more insular. The focus is on scarcity, and our energy is spent protecting what we have. However, the more we choose to look for the good and find it, the more we are able to trust that the more you give, the more you receive. The focus is on abundance. Giving is one of our greatest joys. It is an act of trust in the universe, an expression of love and gratitude.
Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at Harvard and the author of ten books explains,“The cure for these biases is numeracy: basing our sense of the world not on bleeding headlines or gory images but on measures of human flourishing such as longevity, literacy, prosperity and peace.”
- One woman challenged herself to give away 29 things for 29 days, you can read her story here.
- Instead of watching world news, try a positive news channel here.
- Read the Time magazine interview of Bill Gates about his optimism for the future here.
- Begin a new attitude of abundance by doing this daily exercise in gratitude.
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” – Anthony Robbins
-Aspiring to be a Happy Go Lucky Girl