I like to think of my life in terms of chapters. What chapters are next? I am in my 50’s chapter. But how many chapters are left, and what do I want to write into them? What do I want to edit out? What have I moved on from? Read More
The couples that stayed married were much better at one thing — Turning Towards Instead of Away. At the six-year follow-up, couples that had stayed married turned towards one another 86% of the time...Read More
"Joy may seem illusive or fleeting. Yet there is a path we can choose that brings wonder, passion, and joy into our lives, helping us to make life feel worthwhile"...Read More
I try to do a post every day on HGLG. Today I posted, “Let someone know today how truly appreciative you are for them in your life. Let them know how they have helped you in your life.” I shared a photo of my husband, but I did not yet say why I appreciate him....Read More
It has been an emotional week for me. It hit me today that somewhere along the way in my life, I have learned to be grateful for absolutely everything that has happened to me, and for me...Read More
As humans, the relationships we form with other people are vital to our mental and emotional wellbeing, and really, our survival. Healthy relationships help make for a healthier life. Did you know that being in a committed relationship is linked to less production of cortisol, a stress hormone. Whether it’s having someone there to remind...Read More