This Thanksgiving Day marks the first year of our website My sister and I launched it a year ago to celebrate and share our mother’s HGLG spirit and to keep it alive. She was inspiring to us and to many others and we hope our website and Facebook page is inspiring to you. It has been therapeutic for us and helps us to enrich our relationship too.
We have a blog on our website, a store and list of recommended reading, music and books. We have the Science of Happiness and how to add more of these ingredients to your life and to others lives. Our facebook page tries to add daily inspiration and encouragement. I call our tribe of followers “joy spreaders and encouragers”.
I think of the state of affairs in our world today, and the many discouraging and sad things we face in the news. Though it may seem small to some, I feel we are doing our part, doing what we can, to be the light, to lift people up, to encourage and brighten someone’s day. I would go so far as to say this is how we fight back, we try to encourage, uplift and spread joy. We want you enjoy every minute of your life. “They” do not get to suck our joy out of life and make us fearful of fulfilling our dreams. In fact, I believe it creates a stronger resolve in us to make each day count and to make the most of each day; to appreciate what we have and to share that appreciation more often.
Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
-Aspiring to be a Happy Go Lucky Girl
“There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson