It’s Never too Late

My daughter just moved to Washington D.C. to pursue her passion for law and social justice. It inspires me and brings me great joy to see her pursue her goals in life. She has a joy of learning and helping people. If she keeps that central in her life, she cannot be stopped.

I think everyone has times in their lives that roadblocks get in the way of their goals. The question is, will it throw us off our path for good, or just be a detour to get around? Of course, life can change and priorities can change too. For instance, my sister went back to school at age 40 for her second degree and now in her 50s is picking up steam in her second career.

The foundation of a love of learning cannot be built too early. I think this is one of our main roles as parents. I believe it is more important today because it is missing from our education system. Our culture concentrates on what do you want to do to make a living. I think we would all be better off if we tried to develop a lifelong joy of learning that would help us contribute our unique talents.

What makes your heart sing? What brings you joy? What are your obstacles to pursuing your dreams?

“For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be who you want to be. I hope that you live a life that you are proud of, and if you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald


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