How do we Bring Joy Back to our Lives?

Have you ever wondered where joy has gone? I have been looking for it in our society. I think it is missing, deemed frivolous and unimportant. I don’t see it in our schools, work, or even play anymore.

I see people working very hard, or studying very hard, maybe just to get things done, like on a treadmill.  They are anxious, stressed out, tense, in a hurry, spinning their wheels, but what for?  I believe we have to start asking ourselves, “how do we bring joy back to our lives?” If we don’t, we risk remaining a passionless, purposeless, stressed, and joyless society. For many people, this is a soul-crushing life that they are increasingly opting out of.

Every day we are faced with stories that remind us of our own mortality. We become acutely aware that we never really know when our time might be up. What dreams, desires, feelings, or needs have you pushed aside because you thought they may bedeemed frivolous and unimportant? What if you followed your own dreams? How would your life change for the better?If you could do anything, what would you do? And what would bring you one step closer to that?

We must hold onto the joys in our lives. Like drops of water, they build up over time to offer us a reservoir of inner strength to deal with life’s challenges. Whether it’s encountering difficult people or situations, hard times will draw from your reservoir. Make sure you have one. What would make you want to jump out of bed to start your day?

One of my joys is appreciating beauty and special moments by making little paintings. No one said you had to be good at it,  but I do enjoy the process and sharing them. Make a pledge to yourself today to bring more joy into your life and the lives of others.  Take the pledge here.  

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