What does it mean to be a Happy Go Lucky Girl?

What does it mean to be a Happy Go Lucky Girl?

Does being a Happy Go Lucky Girl mean that we should be carefree and happy all the time? Well that sounds impossible even if we wanted to. Who among us does not have things to worry about in the future or regrets from the past?

Being a HGL Girl means that even though you worry about the future and have regrets about your past, you do your best to concentrate on the here and now. Now is the only thing we ever have power over. It means doing our best to see things from a glass half-full perspective, and trying not to ruminate about the past or fret about the future.

Everyone has negative issues in their lives, but even if we have to look hard, we can find positive things to focus on. We call those positive things “finding your bright spots.” It is a choice that we can make every minute, of every day, and the more you do it, the better you become at it. We can teach ourselves to minimize the negative and maximize the positive. It is a life-affirming goal.

It’s a choice we can make every minute of every day, and the more you do it, the better you become at it. One of the easiest things to do before you get out of bed or during dinner is to ask yourself “What am I grateful for today?” When asking that question becomes a habit, it can change your perspective and your life.

We all go through challenges. The key is to develop resilience along the way. Every day we have a choice. If we feel grateful just to wake up and get another chance, then everything else is a bonus. There’s definitely science behind positive thinking, it’s a muscle that gets stronger with use.

As heralded in this song… Accentuate the Positive!

~ (Aspiring to be a) Happy Go Lucky Girl

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