Is there really anything more valuable than time? I don’t think so. At certain moments of your life you acutely know it to be true. So it makes me think that the most valuable gift I can give is my time; time for myself, and time for others. Most of us have enough material things and if we really made an effort we could find out how little we really do need.
If I look back on my regrets, which I try hard not to have in my life, I would say some of my biggest regrets are squandering time and not spending enough time with someone I cared about. I think about how quickly the years went by raising my kids. I ask myself the question, “if you could do it over again what would you do differently?” My answer is more time; more time playing together, laughing, and just being there – together.
I am fond of a Canadian expression. When they like someone they say, “I have a lot of time for them.” I also think about when I say I am busy and don’t have the time, if it is important I need to make the time.
At this time of year when everyone is so busy running here and there checking things on their lists, I love that Dr. Seuss line, “What if Christmas… doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas perhaps means a little bit more?” To me it means slowing down and savoring time – with those we make time for.
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss
(an aspiring ) Happy Go Lucky Girl