Make Yourself the Hero of your own Story

I have finally gotten to a place in my life where I can be grateful for the challenges I have had, because I know now, they helped make me who I am today.

I am grateful for difficult__________

  • People- taught me what people are capable of and what they are not.
  • Teenage years – taught me compassion and empathy to help others get through this phase and learn from it.
  • Friends – taught me my time here is limited, and I want to spend it wisely and invest in valuable relationships.
  • Jobs- taught me as much about what I don’t want to do, as what I do want to do.
  • Boyfriends – taught me what qualities I did not want to be with and helped me to learn what I did want and need.
  • Living arrangements – taught me how important having deep roots to a place means to me.
  • Finances- taught me I don’t need a lot to be happy, but spending wisely helps it go further.
  • Aspirations- taught me that the only thing in my way of achieving those things is me.
  • Negatives- taught me to focus on the positives; it takes you further.
  • Health – taught me to appreciate my good health.
  • Issues – taught me there are things you can do and things you can let go of.
  • One-sided friendships – taught me the value of a good two-way friendship.
  • Mistakes- taught me they don’t count against you; it is how we learn.
  • Missteps- taught me we may fail, but we need to keep trying.
  • Addictions– taught me if you can’t get attached to something healthy you will get attached to something unhealthy, and it is in our nature to be attached to something.
  • Losses of loved ones- taught me to appreciate the love that I had and that I have today, and to know that we need to make the most of it today as it may not be here tomorrow.

I know that everyone has struggles. We are not our mistakes. We are our possibilities and the stories we tell ourselves. So my wish to you is to make yourself the hero of your own story.

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart

(Aspiring to be a) Happy Go Lucky Girl

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