I am Learning to put my Air Mask on First…

I have spent the last two days in bed sick with a nasty cold. I heard the warning sounds. At first it was a whisper, and then in a shout, and then yelling. I did not heed the warnings and get extra sleep, take my vitamins, liquids or slow down, so then the rug was pulled out from under me. I had no choice but to just lay there and soak up some sun this weekend.

I thought about when the air steward instructs me that I must secure my own air mask first in order to then help others.  When they say that, I say to myself, – “Get it?”  I love caring for others because it makes me happy, but I can’t do this at the expense of running out of air for myself.

I have been noticing the phrase “self care” lately.  What does that mean exactly?  How do I get better at it?  Well, I have to remember to put myself on the list everyday. Do something that lifts me up.   I have mentioned before that taking my dog for a walk is something I love to do. She puts me right in the moment. Reading does this for me too as does doing something creative or listening, really listening to music or nature.  I have come across a couple of good lists to share with you to get you thinking about what you need to fill yourself up with air as well.  Check them out here:



 “It is essential to our well-being, and to our lives,  that we  play and enjoy life. Every single day, do something that makes your heart sing.” –  Marcia Wieder

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